This is how we work UX Sprint Scrum The methodologies to write good software have evolved drastically over the last few years and are targeted to bring out software fast and agile. Software needs to evolve fast and needs to be spec’d even faster. We have adopted to use the UX sprint to figure out the true specs of your application and we can test it with users before you actually spend a dime on development. Save a lot of money by building software that your users need, rather than building software that you think they want. Now that we figured out what software you need we use Scrum to manage the software development process. It embraces change and helps us give you real-time feedback on progress. Below the surface, we integrate this tool with our gated check-in that not only ensures the quality of the code but will also notify you when a new version of your application has been deployed. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Conventional design processes often cost weeks (sometimes even months) of development to verify a solution that is heavily based on assumptions. The risk this entails is very obvious. What our UX design methodology aims to do is to slice design problems into smaller pieces, and then time-bounds the design process for each. This five-day intensive process guarantees solutions that are verified within the process, and minimizes risk and use of resource. It aims to get both designers and stakeholders on the same page, and have them collaborate to come up with solutions that add value to the product, and satisfaction to the user. For more details about the UX Sprint Watch this video The UX Sprint is a five-day process: understand the problem and user profile; diverge from initial ideas; decide which ideas are best suited for user profile; build prototype for user-testing; validate ideas against actual user feedback. This saves you from all that long-drawn out back and forths, and go straight to building products your users will actually enjoy using. This process simulates months and months of development time you spend into a week-long one to get what actually matters: what your users think of an idea, and how you can improve on it to make it more appealing to them. Download Printable Brochure We honor our commitment and stick to our promise Things are changing fast and technology is changing faster. With software development projects taking months or even years it is essential to stay up to date. Scrum is a lean process that embraces change and revolves around iterative improvements of the product as well as the people and the process. Scrum enables self-organizing teams to focus on delivering the highest business value in the shortest time, catering for fast feedback and valuable insights in progress. While we give you our 100%, we just need an hour of your day to make your ideas come to life and your vision a reality. For more details about Scrum Go here Scrum is the best agile development practice available today. It revolves around the team, the individual roles, and the product backlog—which is a collection of user stories ordered by importance (or business value). User stories are feature requests written from the perspective of the user. The product owner is responsible for making sure the right user stories make it into the product backlog. He gives direction to the product and represents the end user and client. From our perspective this would be you. The scrum master makes sure the project is kept on track, and ensures that all team members have the tools they need. The scrum master is very similar to a project manager. The developers are responsible for the actual code being implemented. Other roles like designers and testers can be added where needed. Sprints are short development cycles ranging from a couple of days to a maximum of a month in which a selection of user stories (the sprint backlog) are implemented. The length of the sprint is determined by the estimates provided for the user stories during the sprint planning. Short sprints cater for fast feedback and we can direction as soon as the next cycle. The progress of the sprint is measured by the burn down chart—a highly insightful graphical representation of your sprint's progress. It can easily tell you if your sprint is going to finish on time and on budget. Download Printable Brochure Watch a video about it here